Tauhu goreng is a dish of fried tofu commonly found in Singapore and Malaysia.
When preparing the dish, cakes of hard tofu are deep fried until golden brown. The bean curds are then cut diagonally in half and arranged on a plate garnished with bean sprouts, cucumber and spring onion. A thick sauce is prepared with shallots, garlic, chillies, shrimp paste, soy sauce and tamarind juice.
Below is a recipe from Love 97.2. Hope you all will like my recommendation for today.
Tauhu Goreng
Peanut Sauce
Ingredients A
Roasted Peanuts : 200g
Red Chillies : 3 pc (washed, sectioned)
Garlic : 3 cloves (peeled, washed)
Gula Melaka : 50g (chopped)
Prawn paste (hei ko) : 2 tbsp
Ingredients B (mixed thoroughly, strain for assam juice)
Assam Paste : 40g
Cooled boiled Water : 100g
Ingredients C
Cooled boiled Water : 300g
Dark Soya sauce: 1tbsp
1) Put Ingredients A into a blender
2) Add assam juice and cold water, blend till form peanut paste, reserve for use
Ingredients D
Tauhu : 4 pc
Ingredients E
Cucumber : 1 pc (washed, soak in cold water for an hour, shred)
Ingredients F
Bean Sprouts : 200g (washed, blanched)
1) Heat up half pot of oil, deep fry tauhu till golden brown, dish up, drained off excess oil
2) Cut 1 pc of tauhu into cubes, arrange on plate
3) Spread shredded cucumber and bean sprout on top of tauhu
4) Pour pre-prepared peanut sauce over it, serve
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