A delicious and savory seafood dish to experience.
Squids, 1kg
Seafood sauce, 3tbsp
margarine, 6tbsp
lime, 1pc
Chilli Padis, 3pcs
Coriander, 1stalk
minced garlic, 1tbsp
fish sauce, 2tsp
castor sugar, 1tbsp
lemon juicem 3tbsp
1)Remove squid's purplish membranes, ink sac and entrails.
2) Rinse and drain.
3) Add seafood sauce and stir.
4) Spread margarine evenly onto the squid.
5) Cut lime into 6 segments.
6) Chop chili padi finely.
7) Cut coriander stem into fine strips.
8) Stir and mix Sauce ingredients thoroughly.
9) Preheat the oven to 250deg.
10) Place squid on grill tray and cook for 10mins.
11) Remove.
12) Cut squid into rings.
13) Place on serving plate and drizzle sauce.
14) Garnish with lime.
15) Serve.
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